Derwent have given traditional charcoal a modern twist with the introduction of Derwent Tinted Charcoal pencils.
Combining the rich, expressive qualities of charcoal with a gentle hint of colour. Few materials produce such a wide variety of creative effects, from rich, deep tones to a translucent-like mist. Mixing natural charcoal particles with a small amount of colour pigment and the finest clays extends the creative possibilities even further.
Derwent Tinted Charcoal is easy to blend and ideal for covering large areas quickly and smoothly. Unwanted colour can be lifted out quickly with a kneadable putty eraser or plastic eraser, while the pencil’s natural water solubility creates delicate wash effects. And because this unique medium is wood-cased, it is clean and pleasant to use.
Derwent Tinted Charcoal is produced in 21 tints to complement the three traditional charcoal shades of light, medium and dark.