Pebeo Porcelaine 150, a waterbased paint for porcelain and ceramic that gives a professional enamel look. Simply bake in a domestic oven to fix the colours.
colours: in bottle, tube and marker, which can be mixed together, deep and glossy, transparent or opaque, with a superb enamelled appearance after baking. Excellent light stability.
thinner: Porcelaine 150 thinner.
cleaning of brushes: with soapy water.
surfaces: porcelain, earthenware, ceramic and metal
drying: tack free in a few minutes, fully dry in a minimum of 24 hours.
baking all colours and auxiliary products in the range: 35 minutes at 150°C (300°F) in domestic oven, after minimum 24 hours drying.
caring for all colours and auxiliary products in the range: resistance to dishwashing and to normal detergents after baking.