How To Prepare An Art Portfolio
Monday 20 May 2019 - Sandra MRead our top tips on how to create the best Art Portfolio
Rule 1, show your unique creative flare! Showcase your artwork and personality.
Preparing your Art Portfolio for hand in can be stressful. Just remember that there is no such thing as a perfect art portfolio and each students work and approach is unique. Your aim is to create an organised, memorable portfolio that reflects your skills and personality.

Top 10 Tips For Creating An Art Portfolio:
1. Do not copy from flat images!
(Well you might sometimes) Whether you are applying to Foundation level or degree always include evidence of primary source observational drawing. Try and use real people, objects and landscapes.
2. Make exciting sketchbooks!
Sketchbooks and supporting material give valuable insight into the development of your ideas and creative process.
3. Be selective.
It is tempting to put everything in and you do want to show a range and in a variety of media. However there will not be time to view everything and you want to avoid overloading your art portfolio and the person looking at it! We advise no more than 15 Portfolio Sleeves (that’s 30 pieces if using both sides of the sleeves). Always start with your best work to make a good first impression and finish with some of your best work to leave a good lasting impression that they won’t forget.
4. Be passionate.
Choose pieces that were successful and that you are passionate about. You will then be able to talk with enthusiasm at the interview.
5. Show a creative journey.
Include experimental and unfinished work as well as completed pieces. The interviewer will want to see evidence of a journey and a range of ideas.
6. Be organised.
Group work into categories. This could be by medium or subject.
7. Don’t forget the big stuff!
If you have 3D or large scale work take photographs.
8. Practice makes perfect.
Practice presenting your art portfolio. Start and end well. You don’t want to fizzle out at the end. Plan your running order and have a strong finish. Take advice from tutors, heads of department and welcome feedback.
9. Mount work on black or white paper.
A1 Canford Paper 150gsm in Ice White, Snow White or Jet Black is extremely popular. It is also available in A4.
10. You don’t want to lose that portfolio!
Many a student has lost their work on buses, trains and in colleges! Label each piece of work and put your name, contact no and name of college you are applying to on the front cover if applicable.
If you feel you need extra help many Art and Design schools offer art portfolio courses ranging from evenings, intensive and year long.
What Will I Need To Create My Art Portfolio?
You will need an Art Portfolio With Rings, Portfolio Sleeves, Spraymount, a Cutting Mat, Scalpel & Spare Blades, Paper or Card for mounting and Labels. Portfolio size requirements vary between colleges and it is always best to check first.
Even works of genius will suffer if not presented well. You don’t have to buy the most expensive leather bound case but a good, strong one will help you and your work feel up to the job!
Pullingers stock everything you need from Card Portfolios, Portfolios with and without rings, Carry Cases and Display Sleeves. We also stock Image Box Portfolios, which have become increasingly popular with graphic designers, fashion students and photographers. View our whole Art Portfolio range for more information.
Can you offer any helpful tips for creating an Art Portfolio to our readers? What questions were you asked at your interview?

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